A Treat for Halloween Tricksters【電子書籍】[ RJ Nolan ]

A Treat for Halloween Tricksters【電子書籍】[ RJ Nolan ] A Treat for Halloween Tricksters【電子書籍】[ RJ Nolan ] A Treat for Halloween Tricksters【電子書籍】[ RJ Nolan ]

<p>Halloween has always been Jess McKenna’s favorite holiday. She jumps at the chance to guide a group of foster children through a community haunted houseーnever suspecting that her partner Kim will provide her with a trick and treat of her own.</p> <p> </p> <p><u>Author’s Note:</u></p> <p>This short story, <em>A Treat for Halloween Tricksters</em>,  takes place after the events in my  novel <em>L.A. Metro</em>.</p> <p>Join Jess McKenna and Kim Donovan as they celebrate their first Halloween as a couple.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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