A Black Hand For Franz Ferdinand【電子書籍】[ D. Cullen Nolan ]

A Black Hand For Franz Ferdinand【電子書籍】[ D. Cullen Nolan ] A Black Hand For Franz Ferdinand【電子書籍】[ D. Cullen Nolan ] A Black Hand For Franz Ferdinand【電子書籍】[ D. Cullen Nolan ]

<p>It is June 28th, 1914.</p><p>Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Reichsheir of the Habsburg?Four Thrones, is visiting Sarajevo; ostensibly on a state tour of Bosnia. Yet, he has plans of his own, a secret hidden from his very wife, Sophia. Meanwhile, young Gavrilo Princip waits on the city streets,?hidden amongst the admiring throngs, eager to unleash the infernal device hidden in his pocket. For Gavrilo desires Unification or Death?and that requires . . . a Black Hand for Franz Ferdinand.</p><p>The first?story in the epic speculative history series Tales of the Accursed War, A Black Hand for Franz Ferdinand is the re-telling of that famous assassination which catalyzed into the Great War. This tale is set in a world where legends, myths, and folktales were real, where strange magic and weird technology co-exist. It has a history at once familiar and divergent, told in an era that has forgotten the horror's of the Napoleonic Cataclysm.?</p><p>A tenuous peace between the Grand Powers is about to come undone . . . a Great Cataclysm looms . . . an Accursed War begins.?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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